Snehil bhaiya is the coolest! In every conversation, he imparts something new for you to use in projects. With clear and concise explanations, he makes learning easier for everyone. His peer-interaction and bonding skills set him apart. A true gem!

My Tributes
There's no one cooler than Snehil bhaiya. In every conversation with him, you'll learn something new that you never knew and you can't wait to see how you can use that in your projects.
Snehil bhaiya has the clearest and most concise explanation for what he's skilled in and will put in the effort to learn something himself and make it easier for others to learn as well. His ability to interact with his peers and get bonded with them is what sets him apart from others.
His dedication to perfect pixel delivery and the way he implements it with ease is really cool to spectate and learn from.
Lessons Learnt
- There's no shame in admitting that you don't know something. In fact, admitting it is the first step to pique your curiosity to learn more about it.
- Go the extra mile in whatever you do and do what feels right to you.
- When you learn something, try to teach to others as much as you can.
‣ Name
/ Snehil
‣ Connected
/ Wed Oct 20 2021 (3 years to date)
‣ Company
/ Secretary (WAD) at IEEE SRM SB